Now, my question is, where does it download these installer packages to? Or, am I just crazy? Thanks in advance for any help. This guys solution was to download, and then when it asks for your password to make changes find the temp folder with the install package copy it to another disk or desktop, that way if you install it and it's borked, like it seems to be for so many, you can just run the installer again without having to download all the stuff again. I saw a post on the apple support forums that logic downloads the content to a temporary folder and then when the installer runs, it then deletes it. So, I nuked the HD again, reinstalled Logic, but have not even downloaded the required content. Now, when I download the additional content it all appears to install, but when you open up the media browser, damn near everything is greyed out. Went and got a new hard drive, got OS X all set up and downloaded Logic again. Now, my hard driver crashed, no backup, but hey, whatever. Lets back up a step, I previously had a fully installed Logic Pro 9 including all additional content, no missing instruments, or kits, or samples (at least none that I found). I apologize if this has been answered, I did do a search for it but nothing seemed to match what I need.